Consulting & Coaching


Are you ready to close the gap between where you are now as a leader and where you need and want to be? At The Culture Group, it’s not about the pizza and it’s not about the spreadsheet. It’s about becoming self-aware and choosing to lead more from your heart than your head. We use the Relational Model, which involves:

  • Dealing in the here and now with interpersonal relationship and communication issues
  • Identifying personal and professional blind spots that keep you stuck
  • Identifying your strengths while growing in your awareness to let go of attitudes and behaviors that do not serve you anymore

A recent 20-year Gallup research project on organizational effectiveness that surveyed over one million individuals from a broad range of companies and countries empirically demonstrated that what the most talented employees want and what keeps them retained is found in a leadership culture where they are being seen, valued, are able to grow and develop, experience genuine relationships at work and are encouraged to do what they do best every day.

Top leaders must wholeheartedly and honestly engage themselves first and then their team for real culture change to occur. It requires a ’20-mile-march,’ not a mountaintop moment.

Jeanne Malnati

Founder & CEO
The Culture Group

Do you have the skills, self-awareness and necessary tools to lead in such a way? What is missing? It is an organization’s leader that creates fresh and desirable workplaces where their people love performing each day. Let us help you fill in the gaps so to develop and strengthen areas of leadership competencies that keep you from being as effective and instrumental as you know you’re able.

What does consulting and coaching with The Culture Group look like?

We are about connecting people, confronting inner and outer conflict and strategically planning for desired personal and professional results.

  • You will take a Leadership Assessment, selected specifically for your needs. We use a broad range of assessment tools.
  • You will learn to acknowledge, identify and express your feelings, in emotionally healthy ways.
  • We espouse taking 100% responsibility for your life and to model no more victim role or blame game.
  • It is learning how to have the honest, though difficult, conversations that are long overdue.
  • You will learn simple yet powerful skills for speaking the truth, straight and sensitively.

How is that done?

At The Culture Group, we desire to walk alongside you and your process through consulting and/or coaching. We will guide you in deciding what is more valuable and effective for you and your team. We provide a framework for dramatic change and deliver a personalized combination of training workshops, group work and executive coaching over a 6-12 month period.

Contact us at The Culture Group today to see if your leadership team is a candidate for this powerful transformational work.