
3AM Organizational Health Assessment TM

Identifying Your Company’s Communication and Relationship Strengths and Growth Edges

Do you find yourself awake at 3AM with questions like these going through your head?

“Why are our numbers down?” “Why is everyone so unhappy?” “Why are they complaining all the time- don’t they see how hard I’m working?” “Why doesn’t anyone tell the truth to my face?” “Why don’t people take responsibility for their actions?” “Why is everyone so tense?”

On the outside, most ‘successful’ organizations appear to be healthy, like one big, happy family. What lurks beneath and behind–the issues not being addressed–is what causes the most damage.

Jeanne Malnati

Founder & CEO
The Culture Group

High performing organizations with innovative leadership expend the time, resources and energy to assess and gain insight from their employees. “We don’t know what we don’t know” and “Nothing changes if nothing changes” are phrases that are true. Research shows that when given the opportunity employees are happy and encouraged to be asked to confidentially ‘speak the truth’ and ‘do not hold back’ when the 3AM confidential questionnaire is distributed.

A recent 20-year Gallup research project on organizational effectiveness that surveyed over one million individuals from a broad range of companies and countries empirically demonstrated that what the most talented employees want and what keeps them retained is found in a leadership culture where they are being seen, valued, are able to grow and develop, experience genuine relationships at work and are encouraged to do what they do best every day.

Is it time you learn and understand what your people are really feeling and needing, so to engage them and…keep them?

The 3AM Organizational Health Assessment TM gives insight into:

  • Strength and effectiveness on all levels of leadership
  • The organizational health of your overall culture
  • The morale and “happiness” factor of your employees
  • What your people really think and how they feel about your leadership/the organization as a whole (yes, this takes courage)
  • The level of authenticity and trust
  • Effectiveness of team meetings

Included in this offering:

  • Confidential online questionnaire
  • One-on-one interviews with your key team members
  • Full analysis report given, with comprehensive recommendations